

What do we know about Norway?
Close your eyes and think – what comes to your mind? Fjords, cold north, long blonde hair, northern lights, fresh fish…
When I was a child Norway was a country where gnomes, fairies and Vikings lived - a magical country for a child with enormous imagination. That is how my “love affair” with North started. 

While traveling I like to explore how people live their everyday life; what they do to entertain themselves, which kind of food they eat, their customs, their point of views…

To learn that I like to sit in restaurants, cafés, or simply on a bench in a  park and – watch. I also like to meet people and talk. Sometimes it is enough to stand in line for meat at a local butcher shop and start a conversation – so much can be learnt that way about people and their living. 

Oslo, capital of Norway

Getting to know Norway was not different. 

Before going there I was prepared; I read some books, tourist Guides, watched some videos, went to their Embassy, asked a million questions. Nothing prepared me for the real beauty of that country!
 I am a city girl and not very inclined to go to vast forests. Hiking in nature is not my first choice and cross-country skiing was definitely last on my mind even though I knew that Norway has the finest cross-country skiing in the world.

However I almost cried when I saw a fjord for the first time!

My friend Anja asked me to go with her on a hiking trip and I couldn’t say no. We used a series of well-organized bus, train, and ferry connections and traveled for 4 days. From Oslo we went to Trondheim (colourful, laidback, and filled  with students) and Bergen, both very beautiful cities.
Our hiking part of the trip included an overnight stay at their famous huts - cozy, warm shelters, equipped with both canned and dry food, kerosene lamps or candles, beds and warm blankets. Staying there is based on the Honour system that works perfectly well in Norway. You arrive, eat the food, sleep, but also, you clean, and leave everything in order for the next guest. By leaving a deposit at one of the touring offices you can get a single key that will open all huts in various parts of the country.

Just sitting in cafes and talking with people I realized that this is a country with deep roots in history and tradition and so much respect for family life.

In Norway people are “almost evangelical about their belief in organizing society for the benefit of all. Living better by consuming less and controlling nature by obeying her “(Rick Steves ) is Norwegian moto!

Norway is a country of many glaciers, deep forests, countless lakes and it is also a country of significant wealth and  one of the best health care systems, pension plans and strong welfare system.

Salmon Sandwiches

Norwegian desert "Riskrem"

As for their food I tasted their fresh fish, cod and salmon, Fiskesuppe - fish soup, pickled herring; their meat cakes and meatballs, but what I loved most was their game – such as moose and reindeer served with rich sauces spiced with crushed juniper berries on the side.
However, just having their whole grain bread, butter and sour-sweet jam of lingo berries and a mug of hot, black coffee made me feeling that I am at home!

Being an artist myself I was drawn to many art galleries in Oslo as well as their architectural 
By Architect - Tommie Wilhelmsen

There are amazing homes with modern, clean lines as well as vibrant, multicolour old architecture - so warm and beautiful that it just takes your breath away!

Their folk music is very rich and one of the main reasons I was there at that time of the year was to see Knut Reiersrud – a well respected and loved Norwegian blues guitarist. I just loved him as an artist.

Norway is a very expansive country to visit, but worth every penny you spent there! I would suggest you – cook your own meals, stay sober (alcohol is very expensive - save your money for sailing around the fjords), take night train travels, get a good guidebook and travel in the summer when most of the open-air cultural evens are in full bloom (outside of summer, I find bigger cities most interesting).
Norwegian Sweaters

What to shop in Norway
Knitted sweaters, watches, jewellery and local food are things you should consider buying when you travel in Norway. 
Tax Free Shopping in Norway
More than 3,000 shops across Norway offer you the opportunity to shop and receive a 12 - 19% VAT refund when leaving the country. 

For further information, please contact: 
Web site: 

Norway provides the most gentle of culture shocks — awesome nature, a vivid culture and a "good government" attitude that's a real eye-opener for many visitors. Travel smart and you’ll be enhanced by this very beautiful country that you’ll never forget – or even stay to live forever and ever….

-The end -


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